Ultimately, what this verse did for me was encourage me and give me confidence in the new journey that was starting to unfold Infront of me. I Played division 1 football, and as cool as that might sound, and a blessing it was to play on that level, when my senior season was ending, it was the first time in my life that the reality of not advancing hit me. I had always advanced since I was a kid with sports. That’s the way it was. Now how do I transition from being known as the sports guy to something else? I thank God for it now, but back then it was terrifying. While I was training for our pro day, I read a book by Joel Osteen called “Your best life now”. It had been a book my mom sent to me during my college career, but I was too interested in things that were far from God and certainly not reading any sort of book about that topic. I was young and wanted to live life my way. I thought I was in charge. Interestingly, that book did something for me. For some reason I was never able to understand God and the very REALNESS of his being. The book explained through various stories of different individuals, how their blessed circumstances were an accumulation of divine events, that led up to some sort of favored state of being. Basically, if such and such didn’t happen then such and such wouldn’t have come to be, and it wasn’t by their own strength. It was like a divine power had positioned those events. Then it clicked. I realized that God had been there the entire time! Even when I wasn’t in relationship with him! That to me was dope. I gave my life to Jesus genuinely in my hotel room in Raleigh N.C, where I was training. Then the journey started. I didn’t go to the league or advance how I wanted to, but God started to advance me with other gifts that I didn’t know I Had! These gifts were lasting and completely healed me from how my career ended. My wife is from Angola, a Portuguese speaking country in Africa. A few years after college, we had the opportunity to go and live there. I was now going to be in a country I didn’t know, away from my family, and must learn another language. It seemed impossible, but I knew I could do it. Not because of me, but because I can do all things through Christ! We went and lived 7 years there where I helped foster youth sports in a country where a lot of kids have talent, but no hope for a future in it. Then Philippians 4:13 training was born. When I returned to the states, God gave me the idea of creating a brand for the verse. A simple logo that people can connect with and would remind them of the verse. You see, when you support our brand, you’re also supporting your OWN God given vision. You believe that YOU can do all things through Christ, and whatever vision God has given you for your life, this brand is here to support that. Simply, comfortably, and with style. ALLTHINGS THE BRAND. God bless you greatly and may all your hearts desires come to pass.
With love, Daniel
That’s God who did what you see. I know every thing is possible with God, trust him and believe in him. We are at ashaming Satan any time. God is with us
Thanks for sharing your journey. As you know, I played football in college as well and had that same feeling when my career was over. Football can be such an identity for us. Justin had a similar issue when he transitioned as well. But, as you say, God is always there. He uses every single one of our experiences for his glory and for our good. I can certainly see that now. In any case, I wish you all the best with your brand. Or should I say, God’s brand. :-) Much love, Mr. Warren
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